Low cost magnetic held switch

Some switches in real cockpits are actuated, so to return to a default position. This article shows an inexpensive way around to mod cheap components to obtain the same functionality in your home cockpit.

Caution Panel

This post goes throught the straight forward integration in my home cockpit of the Caution Panel and PCB (hispapanels and psCockpit respectively).

Cleaning Thrustmaster Cougar Potentiometers

So, as you know, I've purchased a second hand Thrustmaster Hotas Cougar, I'm really happy with it, I've modded the Throttle (created an external direct USB interface), as well as the Stick (converted it to force sensing device). I've no idea how many users (and of which kind), have owned the Hotas before I did,... Continue Reading →

Night Vision lighting compatibility

Introduction So this post is going to be slightly different from the usual ones. It is not exactly related to a specific panel, but is a general one. As I'm approaching to build some new panels for my home cockpit (spoiler alert), I wanted to gather a little bit more info on the colors that... Continue Reading →

3018 CNC Engraving acrylic

I decided to collect in a post the keynotes I learned when I've been facing with the problem of engraving acrylic. Most of them came through try and error, others thanks to valuable info found online. I'd like this section to be more of an open one, with comments and suggestions, as my experience with... Continue Reading →

Ch Pro Pedals Gameport to USB adapter

Ch Products is a manufacturer of control devices. I've been using CH Products since early '90, and never had problems with them. They are all plastic, but sound and well manufactured. The components are high quality, the design is sturdy, that's why they last basically forever. I've a set of CH Pro Pedals, with Gameport,... Continue Reading →

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